Ships used to tow or push ships, including those without self-propulsion or ships with propulsion that are temporarily not in use, to specified locations.
Also known as tugboats, they perform tasks such as towing or pushing ships, including those without self-propulsion or ships with propulsion that are temporarily not in use, to specified locations. Tugboats, while often small in size, possess powerful propulsion capabilities.
A harbor tug, as a part of auxiliary facilities supporting harbor functions, is responsible for piloting various maritime structures related to harbor operations and assisting in the entry and departure of large vessels.The operational area of a harbor tug does not extend significantly beyond the square area or the coastal waters adjacent to the harbor. Convenient for berthing of incoming and outgoing ships at the dock, essential for the safety of dock mooring facilities and more.
Connecting a tug line between the main ship and the assisting tugboat, transmitting power.
When the main ship docks, the line is prepared for 'Let-Go’and provides flexible pushing assistance until the main ship's mooring line operation is completed.
This involves securing and maintaining the position of an oil tanker at the stern of the ship and other locations when transferring the liquid cargo at the SPM (Single Point Mooring) to ensure the safety of the operation.
These include tasks related to ship safety such as escorting, monitoring, and pushing assistance in adverse weather conditions.